
Russell Manning Attorney 

FAQs About the Texas Probate Process

The probate process in Texas can seem daunting, especially when dealing with the emotional turmoil of losing a loved one. However, with the right guidance, estate planners, family heirs, and legal advice seekers can move forward with confidence.

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Russell Manning Attorney

The Benefits of Hiring a Probate Attorney

Losing a loved one is an inherently challenging time for families. Amidst the emotional turmoil, the responsibility of handling the deceased’s estate can add an overwhelming burden. If your loved one has just passed away, you may not think you need a probate attorney.

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Russell Manning Attorney

What Happens If You Don’t File Probate?

Probate is the legal process that happens after a person passes away. It is designed to verify the deceased person's will, identify and tally their assets, settle any debts or taxes owed, and distribute the remaining assets to the beneficiaries.

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Russell Manning Attorney

What if My Loved One Gave Me Something That Family Now Wants Back?

When someone passes away, their belongings and assets are often distributed according to their will or state law. This can sometimes lead to disputes within families, especially if a loved one has left something behind that is valuable or sentimental to multiple family members and did not state in their will who should receive it.

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Russell Manning Attorney

Which Assets Must Go Through Probate?

Probate is the legal process that comes into play after a person passes away. It involves the verification and administration of the deceased individual's assets. The probate court supervises this procedure to ensure the correct payment of debts and taxes, as well as the distribution of the decedent's assets in accordance with their will.

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Russell Manning Attorney

Can I Transfer Part of My Inheritance to Someone Else?

Losing a loved one is an emotionally-trying time, and it's only natural that during such a period, you might want to share part of your inheritance with someone else. Transferring part of your inheritance, while a noble gesture, can be complex and potentially fraught with legal complications.

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Russell Manning Attorney

How Long Does the Probate Process Take?

In the simplest terms, probate refers to the legal process of verifying a will's validity. Whenever someone passes away, their will or estate plan must be submitted to a probate court. This is the only way a court can confirm if the will is legally sound, ensuring that the choices made in the will are properly carried out.

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Russell Manning Attorney

How Do I Find Out if My Parent Had a Will?

Losing a parent is an emotional and difficult experience, regardless of what type of relationship you may have had with them. After they pass away, you may be unsure about whether they had a will in place. Finding out if your parent had a will can be a complicated process — but it is an important one, nonetheless.

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Russell Manning Attorney 

Does My Ex Have Rights to My Estate?

Many individuals often establish an estate plan to provide instructions about how their estate and affairs should be managed upon death. Generally, anything you give to your legal spouse in your estate plan will remain binding if you were still married at the time of death. Your spouse will be entitled to inherit any property and asset you leave for them. However, in the event of a divorce or legal separation, you may be concerned about how your estate will be distributed upon your demise.

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