
Russell Manning

What Do I Do if I Think a Will is Forged?

Perhaps the signature looks off, things have been crossed out without authentication, or a page seems to be missing. Or maybe the content of the will simply does not match what you knew about your loved one and their wishes. Could their will be forged? The fact is that very few wills are formally contested, but that does not mean there are not forgeries submitted to the probate court when people die.

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Russell Manning

My Common-Law Spouse Died. What Do I Do?

A popular myth maintains that, if two people live together for seven years, they have then entered into what is called a “common law” marriage. In truth, no state recognizes marriage as resulting from just cohabitation, and most states do not recognize common-law marriages at all. Texas is one of a handful of states that do recognize common-law marriages. So what happens if one spouse in a common-law marriage passes away?

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Russell Manning

I Lost My Mom’s Original Will But I Have a Copy

We’re all familiar with TV dramas and movies where wills are “read” and inevitably someone is upset and challenges the validity of the document. But what if the original will is lost? Can a photocopy serve the same purpose?

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Russell Manning

What Is Probate?

Nationally, only about 32% of adults have an estate planning document such as a will or trust. Unfortunately, this means that a lot of people will be leaving their estate in the hands of a probate court.

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Russell Manning

What Steps Can I Take Now So My Loved Ones Can Avoid Probate?

The nature and size of your estate typically determine the cost and amount of time it will take to complete the probate process. On average, the probate process can easily cost from 3 percent to 7 percent or more of the estate's total value and take up to two years to complete.

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