At its core, estate planning is about deciding how your property and finances will be handled after you pass. Because of its association with assets and death, many people often assume that being wealthy or retired are prerequisite to taking part in the process.
Why Estate Planning Is Important
A 2022 survey found that while 50% of Americans think estate planning is at least somewhat important, only 33% of them actually have a will or living trust in place. Many of them claimed to not have a will because they believed they did not have enough assets to leave behind.
Common Misconceptions About Probate
Probate, which involves the administration of a deceased person’s estate, can be complicated and confusing. Unfortunately, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the probate process. Dispelling those misconceptions can help you get a better understanding of the process, your rights, and your options.
Estate Planning for Young Adults
Why do so many people in Texas delay planning their estates? This procrastination fortifies the misconception that estate planning is an activity for the elderly, wealthy, and terminally ill. In fact, estate planning is best done early in adulthood and updated throughout your lifetime.
Probate Terms to Know
Probate is the process of settling the final affairs of a loved one. Parties involved in probate need to understand the legal terminology used to ensure that the administration of the decedent’s estate can proceed efficiently.
What Do I Do Now That My Mother Died?
Losing a family member is one of the most heartbreaking occurrences anyone can experience in life. No matter how prepared you can be, it can be very difficult to say goodbye. However, there are some crucial tasks that you need to handle even while you grieve.
Is Probate Needed When a Car is the Only Asset?
Probate is a court-supervised legal process to settle a person’s estate after they die, whether they have left a will or not, the latter of which is called “dying intestate” in legal terms.
Probate: Mediation vs. Litigation
Settling a deceased person’s final affairs and transferring assets to inheritors often involves several complicated procedures. Ideally, the probate process should be simple and straightforward once there is a valid will. However, we do not live in an ideal world. Different challenges are often encountered during the probate or estate administration process.
Important Tips for the Executor of the Estate
Executors play a significant role in settling the final affairs of a deceased person and distributing assets to heirs and beneficiaries. According to a 2018 study by, on average, settling an estate takes an executor approximately 16 months or nearly 570 hours of effort. Therefore, when appointed as an executor, understanding your duties and responsibilities will make it possible for you to act diligently, ethically, and in accordance with the decedent's wishes.